Thursday, July 24, 2014

Debbie Downer runs again

July 24   Plan: 3k steady  Actual:  3k steady

So this run really sucked.

I feel like I've been saying that a lot lately.  My runs have sucked.  I feel like I get tired so quickly and don't have the energy to get through them properly.  I feel slow and fat and hippo-esque.  My pace is getting slower instead of faster and the more I run the harder it seems instead of easier.  This isn't the way it's supposed to be!

See? Debbie Downer.  I warned you right in the title!

I guess part of it is running in the summer.  Today wasn't crazy hot but it wasn't cool, either.   But I'm sure that most of it is due to the excess bit of weight I'm carrying right now, extra pounds that just make it harder than it already was to run from point a to point b.

I'm sure I've said before that I've lost a boatload of weight over the past few years.  A few - just a few, thankfully -  of those pounds have crept back on and I'm attempting to deal with them yet again.  Believe it or not, losing weight is the easy part - it's keeping it off that's the biggest challenge of all.  Trust me on this.  And again, it's not like I've gained it all back, not by a long shot.  But I'm sure anyone out there would agree that you really do feel an extra 10, 15, or 20lbs when you run.

As I said, I'm working to get them back off again and I know I will.  I'm not worried that I'll return to over 330lbs.  No way.  Not even close.  Ever.  Not happening.   I just want to be at a lower, more manageable weight in time for my 15k race in September and the half this blog is all about in October and mark my words, I will be.   I WILL BE.

I also take into consideration that I'm going on vacation down south one week from tomorrow and I know that I'll come home up even more.  Just the nature of vacation and the way my body processes food.  And alcohol.  So I'm in this weird spot now where I'm trying to eat super well - give myself just enough to fuel what I need to run while taking off a few pounds to give me that buffer for when we go away.  The hard core weight loss work will start again when we get back. But I'm trying to be extra good this week and next in particular to mitigate some of the damage to come.

To top it all off, I have a race Saturday morning.  The Durham Quarter Marathon, starting at Oshawa city hall and running through some trails and parks, ending at the waterfront.  It'll be my longest race to date albeit not by much - 10.59k or something like that compared to Sporting Life 10k in May.  And I know I can do this distance, I've done it and more many times before.  But I'm down on myself right now because I feel so crappy and bloaty and tired and gross.

Fingers crossed tonight's run was like a dress rehearsal in the theatre.  Conventional wisdom dictates that a bad dress means a good opening night.  Here's hoping that theory applies to running as well!

So now I'm going to do my best to eat well, stay away from the new granola I tried that I think is making me bloaty, take some Advil to counteract the pain in my arm from getting a tetnus shot yesterday during a routine doctor's appointment (seriously - if I had known it would hurt this much and make every step of my run jar my arm I might have skipped it!!), get lots of sleep before the race and hope for one hell of an opening night.

If you've got a moment for some spare good thoughts Saturday morning 

Will be back to tell you all about it on Saturday!

1 comment:

  1. You will do great!!!! Can't wait to hear how it goes on Saturday!
