Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Breakin records and poppin knees

August 29  Plan:  rest day  Actual:  16k LSD

So this was a crazy, flip floppy kinda week.  Usually I run Tuesday and Wednesday nights, the my LSD on Saturday and my shorter run on Sunday.  But for a few reasons that wasn't going to work this week so things got all moved around.

This was the start of the long weekend which meant a half day of work at our office.  Fortunately I was able to work from home Friday morning, thus negating a $22 commute into Toronto for three hours of work AND allowing me to get my 16k LSD in early as we were heading to Waterloo Saturday morning and I really didn't want to sit in a car for hours right after having done my longest run ever.

Right?  Right.

Got up at regular time - 6am - on Friday because I wanted to ensure that I was done, at home and ready to be working no later than 9am as I didn't want to take advantage of my boss' kindness in allowing me to work from home.  Had my toast with PB, a cup of coffee, and I was out the door just as it was getting light out at 6:40am.

I knew this was going to be a loooong run but I was jazzed for it.  A bit concerned about how my legs would feel and if I'd run out of water but off I set.  Managed to map a great route - one giant square - and on Micheal's advice elected to run south on Brock first to avoid the big hills on the way home.

What I didn't pay attention to, however, are the insane ups (and a few downs) along Dundas Street, especially between  Garden and Garrard.  Sweet mary mother they almost did me in!!!

When I finally rounded the corner onto Garrard I almost cried with relief.  This is a street I run often so I knew it was relatively flat and would be much kinder to me than it's east/westerly cousin.  I was ready for easy by this point as I'd crossed the 10k mark and was heading to 11.

Then, just as I was getting back into my intervals and feeling better about things, I felt a pop in my right knee.  Or maybe it was a twist or a twinge - who knows, it just felt pained.

I tried to run it off but it just kept hurting so I slowed to a walk for a bit to see if it would go away.

Sure enough, didn't hurt at all when I walked but as soon as I attempted running anew, sharp pain.

This was NOT good.

I was more than 5k from home and since Micheal was on his way to work, calling him to come and get me wasn't even an option.  So I just kept going.

Walking then running a bit, walking then running.

Eventually I could get into a good rhythm where the knee wasn't too painful. Which of course meant that I ended up with pain elsewhere, namely my lower back, as I changed up my gait and compensated for my knee.  But I was running again, every step one closer to home.  And that was good.

Thankfully the conditions were ideal for me - overcast sky, light breeze and a decent temperature so that really helped.  Until the sun started to come out on my last few k.

At the 13k mark I was feeling generally better and able to run my entire intervals.  The hard part came when I'd slow for my walk breaks, then have to try to start running again.  I guess this is part of getting used to the longer distances but boy howdy did my legs hurt like crazy as I made the transition from walk to run.  But I kept at it and made it back to the house in one piece 2 hours and 15 minutes later.

This is the face of someone very, very, very glad to be done.  And someone who will definitely rethink this route for next weekend when I have to run this distance all over again.

Once I got home I did some quick stretching, grabbed another cup of coffee and had my solid meal of Greek yogurt, frozen berries and some granola.  Got down to business until noon with frequent walking breaks so I didn't cramp up entirely, then when noon struck I broke in my new foam roller and headed upstairs for a nice, warm Epsom bath followed by a delightful shower.

Scrubbed clean I was now starving, so I got dressed, slapped a different pair of running shoes on, and made a very slow walking trek out of my hood to Mucho Burrito for a nice lunch salad.  After refueling I slipped across the street for a Starbucks and then slowly made my way home.

I was pretty sore as I walked - or bent down, or sat down - but I really believe that this extra bit of walking helped save me overall.  That and the stretching and rolling.  Good times.

All in all I enjoy the challenge of a long run but wow, 16k is far, yo.  Hard to believe that I have this PLUS 5k more to do in a few short weeks.  Eesh!!

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