Okay, back to running. Soooooo yeah. First tempo run this morning. If you saw yesterday's post you now that I wasn't really sure what I was doing but that I was going to give it a shot.
Well, give it a shot I did. And I flopped. Ha! But that's okay in my books. I figure all of this is a learning curve and I have to start somewhere. And considering I didn't really know what I was supposed to do as I got started, everything and anything was possible.
Opening my front door I felt like I was stepping in to a sauna it was so humid, and as I picked up the pace it felt like I was trying to breathe in one, too. Ever tried to take deep breaths in a sauna? Yeah, it's kinda cloying and gross. That was me running today. 24 degrees at 7:30am? Cray.
Over the past few days I've relaxed a wee bit in my eating habits. Long weekend and all that, and I've allowed myself some latitude. Nothing insane or super indulgent, just not the very strict healthy eating I aim for during the week when I'm living according to my schedule. I'm a Virgo, I like routine. What can I say?
First k, as a result, felt a bit slower and heavier than normal. Mental note - get back on track today so tomorrow doesn't suck as much!!
Once that warm up was done - albeit at a disappointing (to me) pace - I decided to turn up the juice. Rounded a corner and started increasing the speed. For the first little bit it was weird and hard - like my body doesn't even know how to go faster. I pushed and it pushed back with a hell no, sister! But I knew I was still going faster than I normally do so that was something. I guess.
As you can see from looking at the colour patterns in the map below, I didn't last long. Ha! Not long at all. I went as far as I could with that burst of speed, then had to dial it back and walk a bit. Then back to running for a spurt, then walking again. This is why I say this was more of a fartlek-y style run than anything else - there was nothing steady about what I did today.
That second k was at least faster than my traditional pace, so I suppose I can't say it was a total fail. Not as fast as I would have liked but hey, at least I can say it was faster so I'll take it.
I wonder how different this could all be if I was running in spring or fall when it just won't be this hot. I wonder how much of this is weather and how much is me? My abilities? What I'm capable of? I like to think a good portion of this is weather related but man, does it ever play with your mind!
As I ran along today I reminded myself that so much of this is mental as much as physical. The sun and heat can mess with my body but they also mess with my mind, making me second guess so many things. And remembering that can be a good and a bad thing. A good thing so that I cut myself some slack as I'm trudging along, feeling like I'm underwater. A bad thing because sometimes I feel like I use the heat as an excuse to walk when I should just be pushing on, pushing myself harder to get better, get faster. Ugh. Such a mindfuck.
Alas, it's done for today and it's on the schedule for tomorrow again. Hmmmm. I think I'll get up early to do a pre-work run instead of chancing the thunderstorms they're calling for yet again. Now to decide if I do a repeat tempo or go for a steady instead to break it up. Game day decision, methinks. :)
Enjoy Canada Day, everyone!!!
I think you did great!! Fartleks are like speed intervals, no? Still all good, in my books. Nicely done!