It was my first time using my new watch with heart rate monitor but I think I'll talk more about that in a future post - too tired to actually form really coherent sentences beyond talking about new, pretty shoes, and I have some real questions about HRM that I'd like to tackle with more brain cells firing on all cylinders.
So for now, let's look at some pictures, shall we?
Holy fog, eh? Yeah, that was pretty insane! Took the first picture as I headed out the door at 5:20 in the frickin morning and zoinks, was it ever surreal! The pictures don't even begin to do it justice - you literally couldn't see in front of you.
I usually run on the road in my 'hood because it's just more comfortable for me than the sidewalk but today, no flippin way was I taking that chance!!
I was worried - and rightfully so - that cars wouldn't even see me if I chose the road so sidewalk it was. The picture to the right is one of the major arteries around town - see those headlights way off in the distance? That's as much as you could see of any approaching vehicle. And it wasn't that far away. I could go on and on and on about the crazy fog but I'll stop there, I promise. On to other exciting things.
Like new gear! New shoes, new Garmin and new tank top. Yes, you read that right. A tank top! Me! In public! With my insane batwing arms! But I went for it, mostly because I found this awesome tank while shopping at Kohl's in the USA this past weekend. See? Pretty! The tank, not me. I look like a bag of shit at 5am. Look at my eyes! Eeps. But I digress.
So yeah, the best part about the tank top is how well it goes with my spiffy new shoes - the Glycerin 12s. Just out. Soooooo pretty. Soooooo comfy. And sooooo much cheaper in the USA than here, sadly. Go ahead, ooh and ahhh. I know I do. :)
So there you have it, pretty pretty pretty. And oh, did I mention that my new watch is the exact same purple as my shoes? And top? Yeah it is. Oooooh yeah.
Annnyway, there's the gear overview. I suppose I should mention how the actual run went. It kinda sucked. Again. The humidi-fog was gross to run in, everything felt sluggish, and I'm feeling the after effects of a weekend of not so great food while we were away. Time to get back to better eating habits to see if I can shed some of this narsty bloat with the hope of feeling better overall.
Until next run!
So pretty indeed!!! I can't believe how early you get up to run!!! Great job though!