Here's what I mean.
Have you heard of The Oatmeal? The guy who draws funny cartoons and stuff? That guy? Well, he's also a runner and has done a series about the Blerch, this character he devised on those days when he didn't want to get off the couch to run. The Blerch would speak to him and tell him to stay on the couch, eat more snacks, generally be gross and slovenly and lazy. I think we all can relate and have our own personal Blerch. Mine wants to feed me chocolate croissants. But I digress.
The Blerch became popular enough that they actually started a Beat the Blerch run (10k/half/full) somewhere out in Washington state where the guy is from. I think. That's my guess, anyway. Otherwise why the fu(k would they have it in BF, Washington? I digress again.
The race is set to take place on Saturday, September 20. Then it was so popular and sold out so fast that they decided to run it all again on the next day. THEN because so many people wanted in on it in one way, shape or form, they decided to sell virtual race kits so people could get the stuff and run the race on their own time, in their own necks of the woods. Or they could sit on their couches and hang with the Blerch, who would know?
So I bought in to the whole thing and got my race kit a week or so ago. Since I already have a race the weekend of the 20th, I figured I'd use this weekend's LSD run as my virtual 10k so I could, in good conscience, hang my medal up on my wall. Nice bag of tricks, eh? Wasn't cheap but I totally believe it's worth it.
So. Original plan had been to run Saturday but got up that morning and it was raining so no dice. I knew the next day was supposed to be better so I set my alarm for 8 or something like that and gave myself a bit of extra sleep.
I was rather delighted that this week dropped back down to 12 instead of going up to a higher distance. I know I'll get there at some point in the not to distant future but I'd be lying if I wasn't relieved to have fewer rather than more to tackle.
Was going to re-run my last 12k route but as I passed Garrard Street I elected to turn down there and just run until I hit the 6k mark, at which point I'd turn around and come home. Made it down to Rossland which left me a wee bit short so I plunked in a little side street on my way back up.
All in all this run felt reasonably good. Was happy to be in my newer shoes - that's still helping. As is chiro. Saw Matt twice this past week and he's got me working on some stretching and exercises and icing of my knees which seems to be helping overall.
Was happy overall with my various splits. Managed to keep most of my intervals intact so that was a good thing.
And when it was all said and done, despite the distance I'd actually managed to shave 20 seconds per km off the average of my past 7 runs. Not too shabby, I say!!
A few post run shots of the virtual race belt - no, I did not do my run with it - and the medal. Apparently I was quite lucky to get the pi belt. :)
And finally, one last pic, my medal now proudly on display since I've earned it. Sure, I did 12 instead of 10 but I still Beat that Blerch so up goes the medal. I even made sure to leave room for the one I'll be getting at next week's race.
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