Woke up just after 7am and my first glance outside gave me an idea of what the run would be like. Bright sunlight, not a cloud in the sky, means hard hard hard run.
Put on my new Glycerin 12's and a tank because I knew I'd be hot and hit the road after some toast and a coffee. I'd had pasta for dinner the night before and more than my fair share of birthday confections so I knew I was loaded down before I even started.
Thankfully the first short while wasn't nearly as bad as I'd anticipated and I actually enjoyed those starting kms. It's been a long time since I've been up to distances like this and I haven't done it often so I was more than a bit trepidatious starting out.
Took it slow for my first k and I shook off the kinks. I've been having periodic pain in my left leg, starting at my butt cheek and heading down to my knee. It generally works it's way out as I get going but lemme say, after the run it really dragged me down. More on that later.
Splits started getting better and better which really made me feel good as I went along. Not super fast but hey, that's not the point of a LSD, right!?

Watch those splits just go up and up and up.
I actually had to stop not once, not twice, but three times from kms 8-13 in order to actually survive the run. I stopped entirely, found shade, and just stood there, trying to regulate my body temperature. But it's what got me through.
Sorry the 10k is doubled in the pics - it's how my phone made me screen shoot them. But alas.
After a few bad k I was able to get a bit of speed back up to make my way home. I was almost completely out of water by then - three 10oz bottles, one with Mio sport in it - and I was so thirsty it was insane. I even considered stopping into the Starbucks near our house just to refuel but I wanted to get home so desperately that I just kept pushing forward.
I don't know that I've ever been that happy to see my house. All three times I had to run past it to get to the 14k mark.
Puppy was sitting at the window waiting for me and was super excited to see me when I got home. That, plus water, was the best part of getting home. :)
After a lot of energetic licking from said puppy and some much coveted water thanks to Micheal, I worked on stretching out some very sore and rapidly tightening muscles. I really must get better at this stretching thing - I think it's killing me.

Sun and heat really did a number on me this go around. My hands swell up big time any time I go over about 7k, so much so that I can't wear my wedding ring to run at those distances. This run was particularly brutal - check out these sausage fingers!!!
Following my run I had my standard breakfast of Greek yogurt, berries and granola but also decided to throw in a post birthday cupcake with my second cup of coffee for good measure. I figured it was safe, having burned over 1,400 calories that morning!
Went to the Running Room to grab some rollers to help with these muscle issues 'cause let's face it, the distances only increase from here and I have two more months of this to get through! Off to YouTube some videos so I actually use the damned things properly. But first, to bed. So very tired after this fun but crazy weekend and a hectic Monday workday.
Supposed to be out on the road again tomorrow but not sure what tomorrow
night will bring. It's supposed to be 40 with the humidex, raining,
and I have a work event meaning I'll be home around 8pm. Good times.
Maybe a slow 3 or 4k on the treadmill might do the trick. We shall
Until next weekend!!!
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